Friday, June 27, 2008

Old theory vs. new theory

Throughout my academic schooling, I’ve heard the term “theory” tens of thousands of times. Whether it is in a textbook or verbally from a teacher, it sounds so familiar, yet so distant and foreign. The word “theory” triggers my memory of many wonderful and innocent experiences during elementary school. I can still see clusters of children running around during recess playing tag or jumprope. I can also still smell the scent of old crayons and hear the mutterings of talkative children as if it was yesterday. The musical notes playing from a piano reminded me of a typical day of music lessons. But none of that memory can vanquish this one particular incident. I remembered in the third grade, my teacher Ms. Wilson wanted all of us to get into pairs to engage in food science. I don’t quite remember too clearly what we had to do; however, I do remember the food we used were leftover sausages my teacher and her family had for dinner. After we were done, Ms. Wilson stated that we can throw the sausages away or even eat it if we please. Yeah right, like who would eat that stuff right? Wrong! One of the boys in my class actually munched down his portion and had a smile on his sausage smeared face. And that was the day I developed my theory of him and that consisted of three words: Disgusting, cooties, and gross. Needless to say, from that day on, I was never once nice to him, all the way till Junior High. It was not until High school when I became more girly and more tolerable of disgusting boys that I saw him again. We spoke for awhile and this time I remembered to be nice and courteous. I also developed a new theory of him and it also consisted of three words: a manly hunk!

1 comment:

Christopher Schaberg said...

This is a funny and whimsical post, and it manages to show how basic ideas of 'theory' form and develop. But in your posts for this class, please use complete words, for instance "until" rather than "till."