Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do we have the time?

“Time is such a simple word and yet it is also very complex for it carries different meanings and experiences; time is very important to the human race. Indeed there are many definitions of time but listing their mere definitions is just plain boring so I am going to tell you what I think of time, but in a history sense of course because that’s what I’m supposed to do. When I think of time, I think of history and how that shapes our world today. Time in a history sense is related to past events that have already happen and usually in an ordered sequence. From the first discovered cave paintings to the development of the constitution to today’s hottest topic of skyrocketing gas prices that leave everyone broke and angry at the government, these events reflects the power of time. Without time, there will be no history and without time and history, we would not even know if gas prices increase or decrease.
“Time” also contributes to evolution and when I think of evolution I think of how the human race has evolved to very advanced creatures that can invent just about anything. If we can think it, we can create it. From the first beings with very limited knowledge of the world to modern man dominating the world with a government system to keep order is just fascinating. Without evolution and time, we wouldn’t be able to learn from past mistakes as well as accomplishments of our people and cannot better ourselves and improve our future. Take a few minutes to think how we have come such a long way to obtain superb technologies and how much brain power we have exerted to be where we are today. Such devices like an ipod or even something as simple as a calculator takes time and history to build and create. Inventions of these things take time and it seems we have a limitless amount of time to continue to build history. With bundles of time we can also invent more advanced and useful things. But have you ever wondered what would happen if time is taken from us? What would happen if time ended? What would happen to us then? How would this world look like in absence of time? Just a scary thought to ponder whenever you have nothing better to do.


Arisa said...

I like how you make a connection with time and history. You provide several good examples, such as gas prices as one of your argumentS. Also, the conclusion is powerful, it is really scary for me to think about what would happen to us if time ended.

Danielle Young said...

You tie in the various words in our cluster very well and show good examples of those correlations. I especially like the questions posed at the end of your post, however the questions seem to come out of nowhere. Meaning that your post doesn't lead up to your questions, which are great. Maybe think of the questions that you have first and then use your argument to build up to those questions, almost leaving it up to the reader to ponder them.

Christopher Schaberg said...

Two initial notes: "advance creatures" should read advanced creatures; and your first sentence ("“Time”, such a simple word, yet so complex and carries different meanings and experiences that is very important to the human race.") is not a complete sentence. It should read something like this: Time is such a simple word and yet it is also very complex for it carries different meanings and experiences; time is very important to the human race. But I also wonder if a sentence like this states the obvious—in other words, this statement lacks nuance. Sure, time is "important" to the human race, but so is oxygen, so is space, so is light...and in the end, these things are all bound together anyway. You simply cannot isolate 'time' as a matter of 'importance'. It would help your post if you began with a personal narrative and then arrive at more abstract questions (like your last ones, which are compelling but lack focus).