Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Disappointing Fourth

The fourth of July may be a pleasant day for many this year, but it is a rather hectic and annoying experience for me. The gloomy weather and busy traffic both contributed to this unpleasant day.

In the past few years, the weather has been pleasant on every Fourth of July. The skies were usually clear enough to see the fireworks, and it was never really too cold or too windy to stand in the open air. However, tonight was a different story. The day started out just fine, with enough sun and clear skies, another great holiday was expected. After an hour of driving, we spotted the exit to Treasure Island. Even though the skies started to form thick gray clouds we still found parking and waited 90 minutes to see the infamous Fourth of July’s fireworks. As it approached 9:30 p.m fireworks struck the sky, but like lightning, none was spotted. Five minutes went by, then ten minutes. The clouds were persistent, “we’re not going anywhere,” they seemed to be saying. Everyone seemed to be standing under the cloud filled sky expecting the clouds to disappear. Also, it was a given that every one was hoping the weather would clear up, but it never did. The dumb weather disappointed everyone, especially the ones that were at Treasure Island.

Not only did the clouds cover all the beautiful fireworks, but the traffic to go home was horrible. Some people including our group left as soon as we realized there was no way to see fireworks. The thought of leaving early meant that traffic could be avoided. But that did not live up to our expectations. We were stuck in the parking lot for about 45 minutes and without moving that much. It was very hectic and frustrating to hear people cursing and honking at one another. The Fourth of July is supposed to reflect our unison in gaining our independence right? We are supposed to stick together and support one another right? Well at least as a country. But no, many people just use this holiday as an excuse to stay home from work, discover dark patches of cloud in place of vibrant fireworks, and being rude to our fellow Americans. What a way to start off the month of July.

1 comment:

Christopher Schaberg said...

I like your narrative deflation of the holiday.

In this sentence: "After an hour of driving, the exit to Treasure Island was spotted."—you use the passive voice "was spotted." Change this to be "we spotted the ext..." so that it is in the active voice. Otherwise it is confusing. And in this sentence: "Not only did the clouds covered..." you do not need "covered" to be in the past tense, because you have "did" before the clouds. It should read "not only did the clouds cover...."